Please rank your top 4 preferred topics for a breakout session at the EAP Spring Meeting in Dubrovnik. Drag and drop your selections, placing your favorite topic at the top (1) and your least preferred at the bottom (12).
Advocacy for Child Health at European level
Climate Crisis and Child Health - what should we prioritize?
Digital Innovation in Paediatrics
Goal: Create an action plan to engage policymakers and funders.
Harmonisation of Pediatric Training Across Europe - what can we achieve and the role of the EBP-EAP Exam?
How can we enhance involvement of colleagues other than national delegates in EAP?
Is core paediatric training needed for paediatric subspecialty qualification?
Research in Ambulatory Settings: An endangered species ?
Strengthening Paediatric Prevention, but how?
The future of primary care for children across Europe - what is the role of GPs?
Training center accreditation - the way forward
What should EAP do to increase its service and value for national and subspecialty member societies?